Over the years, we have come to understand that many of the things we are taught in school, watch on TV, and learn through our life experiences can bring the influence of occult practices into our lives.
Are you ready to break free of these influences?
This Day of Freedom focuses on setting God's people free from occult structures that we encounter in our culture. The cry of this training is, "Let My People Go!" and it is designed to equip you to identify occult structures of witchcraft, idolatrous worship, and Freemasonry. You'll learn how they are interwoven in our culture, many times without us being aware.
What to expect:
In depth teaching on occult structures in today's society.
Corporate prayer sessions woven throughout the day to break these structures from our lives.
Increased awareness that will help you to identify these hidden practices.
Personal freedom prayer available for each attendee.
Contact office@watchmenarise.com or visit us on the web at www.watchmenarise.com to learn more about Richard and Kimberly Wilson and the mission of Watchmen Arise International.
Richard C. and Kimberly J. Wilson are Directors of Watchmen Arise International which provides apostolic counsel and training to those called to the areas of intercession and societal transformation. As a team, they provide consulting services to upcoming and existing ministries, prayer networks, and businesses. This includes launching strategies, logistics, leadership coaching, and business plan development.
They are co-authors of the book Preparing for Battle: Developing the Lifestyle of a Victorious Prayer Warrior, plus various online bootcamps including their Victorious Prayer Warrior Bootcamp and Societal Transformers Bootcamp. The Wilsons host the podcast show Occupying Force. They are Maxwell Leadership Certified Trainers specializing in leadership development.
They reside in Moravian Falls, North Carolina.